2016 Kovo 02
Dueto "Hellhookah" albumas "Endless Serpents" išleistas CD formatu!
Vilniaus Doom Metal dueto HELLHOOKAH debiutinis albumas "Endless Serpents" buvo ką tik išleistas CD pavidalu ir pasiekė grupės rankas. Albumo leidyba rūpinasi nepriklausoma JAV įrašų kompanija NoSlip Records. Partijos tiražas - 500 vnt., iš kurių 300 vnt. yra Lietuvoje.
Kompaktinė plokštelė buvo išleista jewel-case dėžutės pavidalu su 8 psl. bukletu, kuriame rasite fotografijas, dainų tekstus ir kitą su albumu susįjusią informaciją.
Visi norintys įsigyti CD kopiją, kreipkitės į grupę el. paštu: info [eta] hellhookah [taškas] com, arba per grupės facebook puslapį. Paskubėkite, kol "neištirpo"!

Pilnas albumas:

Ištraukos iš kelių recenzijų (anglų k.):

 "These guys are talented and truly deserve bigger exposure, a professional recording studio and a good producer.  This music is way too good to remain hidden in the doom underground."
Serge, Merchants of Air (BELGIJA)

"This seven song offering is a monolith of Doom-drenched heaviness just the way Doom should be..its’ slow-paced density is epic in its’ arrangement despite the mere two entities creating it."
Dragon, Metal Nexus (JAV )

"Give them another couple of releases or so and I can see Hellhookah making a name for themselves and perhaps appearing at some of the more prestigious Doom/Stoner Metal festivals."
Outlaws of the Sun (JK)

"Formative and raw it may be, but Endless Serpents hits its marks as the beginning of the band’s progression."
JJ Koczan, The Obelsik (JAV)

"Full of catchy yet crushing riffing and solid percussion, Endless Serpents is a fantastic debut from Hellhookah and one that should see the band getting some well-deserved attention."
Shawn Miller, The Metal Observer (JAV)

"This entire album has a very authentic sound; it could have been recorded decades ago and just recently unearthed."
Wonderbox Metal

"I’d definitely listen again just to take in again how the Arnas/Gintarė duo lock in rhythmically. Definitely some outstanding groove and swing synergy going on there."
Chris Barnes, Hellride Music (JAV)

Oficialus puslapis: https://www.hellhookah.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellhookah/
Bandcamp: https://hellhookah.bandcamp.com/


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